This section will give you the statistical data considering the calling and other activities' stats for the particular day. The count will be reset at the end of the day. 

Total calls

This will give you the count of total calls (incoming as well as outgoing) that have been made through the system for the particular day.

Total talktime

This will be the count (in minutes) for which the sales or pre-sales has spoken to the lead on that given day.

Average call duration 

This count will represent the average duration of all the calls (in minutes) made during the course of the day.

Site visits setup

This will show the count for the total number of site visits that have been setup for the given day. The count will include pending as well conducted site visits. 

Followup schedule

This will show the count for the total number of followups that had been scheduled for the given day. The count will include pending as well conducted followups through call/email. 

Leads from pre-sales

This will show a count of all the leads that have been pushed by the pre-sales to the sales person on the given day considering that it is a qualified lead.

Time to first contact

This will show the average duration between the receiving of lead and the first call attempt made by the sales/pre-sales to that particular lead.

Average callback time


This will show the average duration between a received missed call from the lead and the callback time recorded by the sales/presales. Hence, the sales/presales should ensure that the call back the lead at the earliest after receiving the missed call for the same.