You can view the list of all purchased tracking numbers with their important details as follows:-
Click on Marketing Automation -> Virtual numbers.
Virtual Number
Recording - If instead of text message an audio file is uploaded for welcome message then there will be option to View Recording, clicking on which you can listen to the uploaded audio.
Campaigns Assigned – To edit the virtual number details in the campaign, click on Campaign name.
Publisher – Source to which this input channel is assigned for tracking
Sub-campaign name - name of sub-campaign assigned
Created At – Number Purchased Date
Updated At - Last date on which the virtual number is updated for any campaign
Release On – If the number is released, then the release date will be displayed.
Status – If the number is released, then the status will be shown as Inactive.
Actions – Edit Welcome Message – You can edit the welcome message which will then be played as an IVR when the lead calls you on the virtual number.
You can also upload a recording which will be played as welcome message instead of the text message. To upload the fileEnable flag allow me to upload recording, on which you will be able to view the Upload option.
To upload mp3 or wav file, click Upload option.
You can Filter the list of tracking numbers based on different criteria as follows
Created Date
Updated Date
Released On