In order to send transactional SMS to leads, you must use approved SMS template only. 

You can create and edit SMS templates from this module. Approved SMS templates cannot be edited further.

To Create a SMS template, follow the procedure below

  • Click on Marketing Automation from the menu on the left-hand side and select SMS Templates.
  • It will display SMS templates page with already existing templates.
  • Click New SMS template to create new template.

To create a new SMS template, you need to enter following details

  1. Name : template name
  2. Description : information about the template
  3. Content : SMS contents

Once you create a template, it will be shown with Unapproved status, you need to contact team for the approval of template.
When team approve template, it will be shown as Approved.

To edit the SMS template, 
  • Click on Edit option of the record.
  • It will display edit SMS template page, which will allow you to edit all contents.
  • Edit details and click Save to submit the changes.