Once you logged-in into the system, you can view the dashboard with important sections of tasks, performance, site-visit, follow-up, pipeline.


Tasks indicate the lead governance sections which give you a brief idea of the current status of your account and what tasks are to be pending.

  1. No Future Activity

It’s the count of leads for which communication has been established but no activity scheduled. It indicates that some action should be scheduled in order to nurture these leads.

  • You can directly click the No Future Activity box, to view the list of those leads to schedule the future activities for those.

  1. New Enquiry

    It indicates the total number of enquiries for which communication has not been established yet. New enquiries cannot be ignored as quicker the response, customer needs more information in less time. Respond them faster, and create a greater opportunity to convert them into the buyer.enquiries for which communication has not been established yet. New enquiries cannot be ignored as quicker the response, customer needs more information in less time. Respond them faster, and create a greater opportunity to convert them into the buyer.

  • Go and start contacting the new enquiries, by clicking the New enquiry box.

  1. Missed Calls Existing
    It's the count of all the calls from existing leads which have been missed.When you are concentrating on the new enquiries, make sure not to ignore the existing lead responses. Missed call from existing lead, gives hint that the customer is interested and may need more information on the need to be followed-up.
    Click MissedCallsExisting box, to work on those leads.

  1. MissedCalls New

     It enables you to get the count of missed calls from new inquiries and work on them.

  • ClickMissed Calls New box, to work with new missed call leads.

  1. Re-engaged leads
    This count indicates re-engaged lead count. It clearly indicates that these leads are more active and have a higher possibility of converting into opportunity. Due to this possibility, these leads must be given importance and nurtured.

  • ClickRe-engaged Leads box to view the re-engaged lead list.

  1. Unread emails
    This count indicates the number of unread emails. Go can directly see the lead list for which mails are unread and take appropriate actions. 

  • Click Unread Emails box to view those leads.

  1. Yesterday’s Missed Follow-ups 

    It indicates the count of previous day's scheduled follow-ups which you have missed. You shouldn't ignore the missed follow-ups and do an appropriate action, if not possible you can again schedule the follow-up so that at least you won't forget it on your busy day.

  • click yesterday's Missed Folloups box, to view those leads.

Today's Performance

This section shows the statistical data of current day's performance which includes

  1. Site Visits Scheduled – Count of Total Site Visits scheduled for the current day.It includes conducted as well as scheduled site-visits.
  2. Follow-up scheduled – Count of total Follow-ups schedules for the current day.It also includes pending as well as completed follow-ups.

  3. Calls Information which includes

    1. Total Calls -Total count of outgoing and incoming calls on current day for the sales user.

    2. Total OutgoingCalls - Total count of outgoing calls by the sales user on the current day.
    3. Outgoing Calls –Answered - Count of outgoing calls by the sales user which are answered by the customer on the current day.

    4. Total IncomingCalls: Total incoming calls to the sales user on the current day.
    5. Incoming Calls –Answered - Count of incoming calls which are answered by sales user on the current day.
    6. Total Talktime(in minutes) - Total time in minutes for which sales user communicated with leads on the current day.
  4. Bookings Done -Count of bookings done by sales user on the current day.

  5. Today's site-visits:
    This section lists all site visits scheduled for the current day. The list displays name, number and scheduled time for each lead.
  6. Today's Followups:
    This section lists the follow-ups scheduled for the current day. The list displays name, number and scheduled time for each lead.

Lead Pipeline:

As communication between lead and sales proceeds, the lead goes through different stages and this screen indicates the lead count in every stage. Below are the details of the lead pipeline.

  1. Incoming: 
    If communication has not been established between lead and sales representative, then it will be in Incoming stage. Even untouched leads are also considered as Incoming. For Ex: If a call is made by a new lead and no one attended the call then also it will show under the incoming stage.

  2. Prospect: 
    Once communication establishes between lead and sales representative for an incoming lead, it will automatically change its stage to prospect. For Ex: If an inquiry call is made by a lead and sales Representative attended the call. This lead will be shown as a prospect.

  3. Opportunity: 
    If lead shows interest in the property, then it should be marked opportunity manually. It is further categorized into hot & Warm.
    1. Hot leads are those which have a high probability of getting converted into Booked.
    2. Warm leads are those with the comparatively less probability. More efforts need to be taken to convert these leads into Booked.

Definitions of Hot and Warm Leads may vary from organization to organization.

Site-visits and follow-ups should be scheduled ideally in this stage to push the leads from opportunity to Booked stage.

  1. Booked: 
    The opportunity leads which book the property should be marked as booked manually. While marking a lead as Booked, it is necessary to fill Booking form.

  2. Unqualified: 
    A prospect lead can be marked as Unqualified manually if the lead does not match the buying criteria. There can be different reasons of not matching the criteria viz. Budget Constraint, Seeking information on unrelated Campaign, Location, and Casual Inquiry etc.The sales representative must select an appropriate reason if he is marking a lead as Unqualified.

  3. Lost: 
    An opportunity lead which has shown interest but due to some reasons not able to buy the property can be marked as Lostmanually.There can be different reasons for it. For Ex: - Property bought from another vendor, budget issue etc. The sales representative must select appropriate reason if he is marking lead as Lost.