
This report indicates project-wise outstanding amount report in detail. Following attributes are included in the report.

  1. Project

  2. Agreement Value in Rs. : Agreement value of all units under the project. ( Final cost of sold units+ Estimated cost of unsold units)

  3. WIP : Payable amount with respect to completed work

  4. Advance in Rs : Received amount

  5. Balance as per WIP : Remaining payable amount according to WIP ( ie. WIP – Advance).

  6. Total outstanding Amount : Total payable amount according to agreement value (ie. Agreement Value - Advance)

Project Tower

This report indicates tower-wise outstanding amount report in detail. Following attributes are included in the report. You can even filter the report with project.

  1. Project Tower 
  2. Project 
  3. Work Done (in %) : Project tower status is indicated in work completed %
  4. Agreement Value in Rs. : Agreement value of all units under the tower. ( Final cost of sold units+ Estimated cost of unsold units)
  5. WIP : Payable amount with respect to completed work
  6. Advance in Rs : Received amount
  7. Balance as per WIP : Remaining payable amount according to WIP ( ie. WIP – Advance).
  8. Total outstanding Amount : Total payable amount according to agreement value (ie. Agreement Value - Advance)