If you have multiple leads received from additional sources like walk-ins or exhibitions then you can upload them in Sell.Do in one go through our bulk import process. Once uploaded in the system, you can track the complete lead journey just like all your other leads in the system.
Access Available to:
Excel file [Excel 97 - 2003] containing the leads with max 2000 records. Click here to know the format of bulk lead import sheet.
A typical upload may take up to 15 mins to integrate the details into the system. So ensure you don’t upload another bulk lead file within the next 15 mins.
There should be an existing campaign in the system for the respective upload.
For a new campaign, you need to create a campaign before you start the upload. Click here to know how to create a new campaign.
Campaign Id (Click here to know how to retrieve Campaign id)
Sales Id (Click here to know how to retrieve Sales id)
Project id (Click here to know how to retrieve Project id)
Please click here to check the video
Steps to import leads
On your Admin Dashboard, click on
icon from the left panel
Click on ‘Import’
In Import page select ‘Import Leads’
The history of your lead uploads will get displayed on the screen. On the right top corner, click on ‘New Upload’.
Click Upload and select the lead import file.
If the file format of the selected file is not as per this format, then you will get an error on the screen and you will need to revise the file. The file needs to be in [Excel 97 - 2003] format.
After verifying the format you will be directed to a form page.
In the form page, you need to fill the following fields,
Select Campaign -- This is a compulsory field
If all your leads belong to the same campaign, then please select the campaign name under the Campaign field and make sure there is no column for campaign_id
In case there are leads coming from multiple Campaigns, then you can leave this field blank, but ensure Campaign Ids are mentioned appropriately in the import sheet. (as per the sheet format)
Select source this field will display the list of pre-configured sources. You are allowed to select 1 source for each import.In case there are leads coming from multiple sources, then you can leave this field blank, but ensure configured Sources are mentioned appropriately in the import sheet. (as per the sheet format)
Select Sub-source this field will allow you to input text. You are allowed to select 1 sub-source for each import. In case there are leads coming from multiple sub-sources, then you can leave this field blank, but ensure sub- Sources are mentioned appropriately in the import sheet. (as per the sheet format)
Select the Department to which all the leads will belong This is a compulsory field
Select the Team. This field will allocate leads to a specific team within the Organisation. If you want to specifically associate leads to different sales teams, then please mention the sales user ids in the import sheet.
After you select a team, there will be another field added in the form i.e. Sales Names. It will have the list of sales individuals part of the selected team. You can select multiple salespersons. The system will automatically route the leads among the salespersons. If you need to assign each lead to a specific salesperson then mention in the sales_id for each lead in the import sheet.
Select the Project. If all the leads are interested in the same project, then you can select the project directly in the form. But if all the leads are interested in different projects, then leave this field empty. But ensure to mention the project-ids in the import sheet.
Enter the Email address, on which the upload report will be mailed.This is a compulsory field
Next, you need to map each column of your import sheet with the respective field.
a) If you have mentioned the name of the field in the top row of the sheet then it will automatically detect the field and will be visible in bold with a sample data for each field.
b)If you have mentioned the name of field in the import sheet then Select the respective field as per the suggested field in bold. Eg :- Select Name in the drop-down for Name field in the file.
c) If you have not mentioned the name of field in the import sheet then search for the respective field name and Select.
d) Continue the same approach for all the fields present in the file.
Once you have filled all the required fields and mapped the data in your import sheet. Select Continue
You will be directed to a confirmation page. Click Continue
On clicking Continue, you will get a pop-up. Click ‘Okay’ on it.
All repetitive entries of leads will get re-engaged in the system with the latest data provided from the upload file. This will happen if there happens to be data difference between previous lead record & recently uploaded record.
If the prior lead record and uploaded lead data are exactly the same, then the lead details remain unaffected by the import.
After the upload is completed, you will receive an import report on the provided email-id.
Possible Errors:
While importing the leads, you may come across couple of errors as listed below.
Values for 'Created At' are incorrect or do not match the expected format (format should be 'dd/mm/yyyy' or 'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm am or pm')
Future date 18/11/2018 is not allowed at row: 2 column: A
Solution: Kindly enter the date in the specified format, and ensure not to enter future values.
Values for 'Source' are incorrect or do not match the expected format
Invalid Source: Email. Error at row: 2 column: F
Solution: The source values pre-configured in the system are not matched against the Source field of the file. The data is case sensitive. So in case, such an error appears, make sure the source either exists in the system. Or the case/spelling matches exactly.
Values for 'Campaign Id' are incorrect or do not match the expected format
Campaign with Id: 5bb5e1605e3c3027af7cab9c NOT found.
Solution: While entering campaign id in the excel file, ensure the respective Campaign is already created in the system. Else you might get the above-mentioned error.
Values for 'Sales Id' are incorrect or do not match the expected format
No active user with id: 5b3f15fc7c0dac698212e490 found in Sales or Pre Sales department.
While entering Sales id in the excel file, ensure the respective Sales person already exists in the system. Else you might get the above-mentioned error.
Once all the leads are successfully uploaded in the system all the lead activities will be tracked by the system.
If you face any other issue with the process, please mail us at [email protected]