For anyone to use Sell.Do, needs to have an account in Sell.Do. A user in Sell.Do can be a pre-sales, sales, manager or an admin. Each user gets an access to the functionality or data in the system depending on their role and the team they belong to. 

Task Owner



  • A team should be present. One team can have only one manager but in case that manager is needed to monitor other team's performance as well, we can give him the access by using hierarchy.

  • User role should be created

User Roles

  • Sales

  • Pre-sales

  • Manager

  • Admin

User Creation

  1.  From admin homepage navigate to User Management and click on Manage Users (ref. img)

2. You get redirected to list of existing users. Click on New User on top right corner.(ref. img)

A form will be displayed (ref. img.). On this form fill-out following details of the user 

  1. Personal Details

    1. First Name: First name of the User. This is a compulsory field

    2. Last Name: Last name of the User. This is a compulsory field

    3. Phone Number : Phone number of the User. This is a compulsory field. Number should be a non DND number and direct line(not an extension number)

    4. Email: Email of the User. This is a compulsory field

    5. Secondary Phone : Secondary phone number of the User. This is a optional field

    6. Time Zone : Time Zone of the of the User. This is a compulsory field

  1. Professional Details

    1. Role: Select the role of the user [Sales / pre-sales / Manager / Admin]. This field is mandatory.

    2. Team: Select the team which user will be working with. This is a compulsory field.

    3. Department : Select the Department user will be joining. This is a compulsory field.

    4. Mark User Default for Project:  Need Details

    5. Mark User Default for Campaign : Need Details

    6. Add user to default routing : Need Details

  1. Custom Fields

    1. LinkedIn: Need Details

    2. Designation: Need Details

  1. Other Settings

    1. Using Mobile Application: Need Details

 5. Once you have filled the necessary details, click on Save. 

Once a user is added in the system, User receives a welcome email to activate his account. Once he activates his account, he gets access to his account and  you can assign him the leads.

If you face any issue in the process, please mail us at [email protected]